Communicating Science Effectively
Explaining Scientific and Technical Content Clearly
The ability to clearly and effectively communicate scientific findings is essential for fostering a broad understanding of the importance of research and its outcomes for society. For scientists, it is vital to be able to present complex content in an understandable and audience-oriented manner. Using clear language, appropriate images, and analogies, as well as choosing the right media, allows challenging topics to be made accessible to a lay audience. Thorough preparation and a deep understanding of the target audience’s needs are indispensable.
Content and Goals
In this workshop, you will learn basic techniques for crafting explanations tailored to your audience. Using your own research as an example, you will practice presenting complex content in a comprehensible way, both in writing and orally, and you will learn to find and create suitable comparisons and images. Alongside proven methods, the workshop will focus on demonstrating how modern AI applications can be effectively used to enhance your science communication.
The training enhances your communication skills. You will learn to:
- clearly and persuasively present your own research.
- explain scientific concepts in an engaging and audience-appropriate manner.
- develop suitable images and analogies for complex content.
- effectively use AI tools to concisely convey your message.
Scientific Storytelling
Research Explained in an Exciting Way
Good stories are a valuable method of presenting content in a comprehensible and exciting way. They capture our attention, make us listen intently, and make it easier to remember the content. No wonder that many stories go viral. By the same token, when communicating about science, storytelling can be an effective tool to convey your content in a way that resonates with the audience.
Content and Goals
In this training, we will first address the questions of why stories are compelling and easy to remember and what is needed for a good story. The next step will be for you to develop your own science stories and refine them with the help of feedback from the group and the trainer.
This training will improve your communication skills. You will learn:
- To express complicated issues in a concise way.
- To present your content in a well-structured and understandable way.
- To develop an appropriate guiding theme for a science story.
- To leverage AI tools to assist with generating ideas, crafting a storyline, and refining your final narrative.
Jokes and Humor in Presentations
Conveying Content in an Interesting and Memorable Way
Humor in a scientific presentation? Humor can do more than just lighten up a presentation and engage the audience. It can help convey important content in a way that makes it memorable. But what do we find funny? When is humor appropriate? How can I use humor effectively to convey information?
Content and Goals
Through exercises, reflection, and theoretical input, the workshop provides practical insights from psychology and the presenter’s experiences.
This training enhances presentation skills. Participants will:
- Reflect on situations where humor is appropriate.
- Learn various theories about humor and their practical applications.
- Sharpen their sense of timing and good punchlines.
- Learn how to use wit and humor effectively to convey content.
Poster Preparation and Presentation
Tailor Your Poster to Your Audience
Poster presentations are an excellent way to engage in meaningful discussions about your project. A well-crafted poster serves as a supportive medium in these conversations, effectively presenting your key findings as visual aids to enhance the presentation. To achieve this, the poster should be tailored to the audience and aligned with your specific goals.
Content and Goals
With a balanced combination of theoretical input and practical exercises, this workshop will equip participants with the skills needed for effective poster presentations. Participants will learn how to set clear goals and tailor their presentations to their target audience. Following this, the fundamentals of scientific poster design will be covered. Special emphasis will be placed on how to convey complex scientific information to industry representatives, ensuring that the content is accessible and engaging.
This training will improve your presentation skills. You will learn:
- To set clear goals and adapt your presentation to the audience.
- The fundamentals of effective scientific poster design.
- To present complex scientific information in an accessible way to industry representatives.
- To use AI tools to create suitable images and analogies.
- To apply basic rules of text clarity, making your message concise and clear.
Science Slam Coaching
Science Slams are the high art of science communication. In just a few minutes, you present your research project to a non-specialist audience, captivating and exciting them with a creative story and a great show. At the end, the audience votes on who delivered the best, funniest, and most convincing performance – it's a competition, after all. All this requires good preparation and practice, and a bit of spontaneity adds a special touch...
Content and Goals
In this coaching session, the slammers will give their presentations the final polish. Following a general introduction, the storylines will be thoroughly examined, hooks will be sought, and good images to explain complex matters will be invented and refined. All participants should prepare a preliminary version of their slam presentation. This presentation should already meet the formal criteria of the event (duration, presentation tools, etc.) and, if applicable, include planned experiments and live demonstrations. With the help of video analysis, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on and improve their performance and stage presence.