Moderation and Facilitation
Leadership Skills for Meetings and Discussions
Professional moderation greatly enhances the effectiveness of face-to-face meetings, web conferences, and conference calls. The moderator assures that complicated questions are addressed in a structured and goal-oriented way. A well-defined goal, as well as a clear understanding of the role of a moderator, are important prerequisites for successful moderation.
Content and Goals
This online training teaches basic techniques for structuring discussions and conducting online and offline meetings. The participants will learn how to use suitable tools to maintain the common thread and involve all of their attendees in the process. The focus of this online training will be on practical exercises with feedback from the group and from the trainer.
This training imparts basic techniques for conducting effective meetings. You will:
- get a clear understanding of the role and responsibilities of a moderator.
- learn to structure discussions in a goal-oriented way.
- practice dealing with the special challenges of web meetings and conference calls.
Visualizing on the Flipchart
Flipcharts are a wonderful tool for visually presenting content in meetings, presentations, and workshops. Flipchart presentations are more personalized than prepared projector slides and allow for content to be developed collaboratively with participants. It is important that the writing is legible and that the flipchart is designed to be appealing and clear.
Content and Goals
In this workshop, participants will learn step by step how to professionally design flipcharts.
You will learn to:
- Develop a clean, legible presentation handwriting.
- Use design elements effectively.
- Create pictograms, such as symbols and figures, with a few simple strokes.
- Present content visually and clearly.
All participants will receive a flipchart starter kit, which they can use to try out ideas and exercises during the workshop.
Advanced Training in Moderation and Facilitation
In difficult conversation situations, it is crucial to keep the goal in mind and stay on track. A good sense of the social processes within the group allows for early intervention and maintaining room for maneuver.
Content and Goals
The focus of this training is on exchanging experiences regarding difficult moderation situations and processes from everyday work. In addition, background knowledge about group dynamic processes is provided. In this way, participants deepen their understanding of the role and function of moderation and expand their range of options for dealing with conflict situations and difficult conversations.
The training enhances your moderation and leadership skills, you will learn to:
- Make difficult meetings and sessions more efficient.
- Recognize conflicts early and respond with solutions.
- Positively influence the team's dynamics.
- Increase participants' commitment to decisions.
Basic Techniques of Pinboard Moderation
The use of pinboards and moderation materials offers a wide variety of methods. When used correctly, they can provide a goal-oriented and diverse foundation for the facilitation of meetings and workshops.
Content and Goals
In this training, participants will learn to set goals for meetings and achieve them through the skillful use of appropriate methods. The focus is on practical moderation exercises with feedback from the group and the trainer.
Through the training, your will acquire basic skills for successful moderation. You will learn to:
- Organize decision-making processes efficiently, transparently, and democratically.
- Visualize discussion content.
- Engage participants and integrate them into the process.
- Increase identification with the results, thereby facilitating the implementation of decisions.
- Develop options for dealing with resistance and conflicts.
- Use feedback methods to improve processes.